Embracing Change: Rosanna's Colourful Journey with Cool Crutches

Meet Rosanna, who turned a challenging life-changing diagnosis into a chance to advocate for others. Formerly a fitness instructor, her journey with spinal disabilities led her to discover Cool Crutches, transforming her mobility aids into symbols of strength and style.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Where you’re from, what you do for a living, and the nature of your disability?

Hi, I’m Rosanna! I live in rural North Wales with my pooch Archie. I work part time for a doggy daycare company, working for a lovely business owner who makes sure my job is super flexible due to my spinal disabilities. 

I have a handful of spinal conditions. At age 17, after suffering with back pain for a long time, I was finally diagnosed with severe scoliosis. Over the next 3-5 years, they performed further scans and tests and diagnosed me with a pars defect, spondylolisthesis, arthritis, and degenerative disc disease.

How long have you been living with disability and how has it affected your life both physically and mentally?

In the early stages of my spinal conditions, I was managing my symptoms through exercise. I was a fitness instructor and I lived and breathed the gym. I still am so passionate about the benefits of exercise for health. 

Unfortunately, due to the nature of my conditions, my symptoms couldn’t be held off through exercise, and my life completely changed overnight.  I put on weight quickly and needed mobility aids to get around.

 I didn’t want anyone to see me like that, I felt like a stranger in my own body. My mental health really took a dive and I was filled with anxiety.  I am so lucky to have had a great support system around me that helped me see the joy in little things again. 

Do you feel adjusting to a disability is supported by society? How could this be better?

Adjusting to disability is something I struggled with most. I had never really been around any disabled communities but I found so much support online  — they all opened my eyes to a whole other world. 

Even with great friends and family, it can feel lonely after a diagnosis. In these communities I felt seen, understood and had places to vent or ask questions. I also became more aware of how I could advocate for others. 

What is your biggest struggle living with your disability?

Other than the physical pain, I think one of my biggest struggles is the stigma around different disabilities. Especially as someone with a dynamic disability, I often worry people around me think I’m lying or faking my pain.

One day I might manage a lot of physical activity, and the next day it can be completely different. The thought of being judged for my fluctuating disability can make me anxious. It’s something I’m constantly working on, because we shouldn’t care about other people's opinions on our bodies or abilities!

What advice would you give to someone facing a life changing diagnosis or injury?

Mobility aids are not giving up, they can help you do more and live more! Join communities with likeminded people who you can really relate to. Create a strong support system around you. Appreciate all your body CAN do for you, don’t dwell on what it can’t do.

What keeps you motivated?

I keep motivated by realising how lucky I am. Knowing that some people don’t get the opportunities I’ve had, like the life changing surgery I’ve had. I never want to take my body for granted again. 

When did you start using Cool Crutches of Sticks or both and why?

I started using crutches in 2021 after I woke up unable to move due to pain, and a loss of feeling in my foot overnight. From that point on I finally accepted that I wasn’t managing without mobility aids. 

After using NHS crutches for a few months, I discovered Cool Crutches and just HAD to buy a pair! All the fun designs made me feel much less insecure, and I began to love my crutch rather than just tolerate it.

Do you think Cool Crutches have helped you to move  more or walk better? If they have changed anything about your life for the better or helped you to do more please let us know?

Although I was sucked in by the fabulous designs, my Cool Crutches are absolutely miles above standard crutches. One major improvement I found was that my hands didn’t ache any more due to the supportive handles. They didn’t draw negative attention to me with a loud clicking noise like the NHS ones did, and instead they would get attention for all the right reasons! 

When using my standard crutches, strangers would always ask me “What have you done?” assuming I had injured myself. It could get quite tedious answering their questions and seeing the (not wanted) pity in their faces when I explained. Now I only get compliments on my Cool Crutches and how lovely they look —  no unnecessary personal questions!

Have Cool Crutches changed your view of mobility aids at all?

As soon as I spotted Cool Crutches for the first time, my view on mobility aids changed. The stigma disappeared. All of a sudden I saw my crutch as an extension of myself. They’re filled with my personality and I’m not embarrassed, I’m proud to have one!

How do businesses like Cool Crutches help the disabled community?

Businesses like Cool Crutches give people in the disabled community the opportunity to be themselves and to be seen for more than just their disability. They offer a sense of community and support that is SO important and brings so much joy and happiness.

What would be the theme tune to your life?

“Walking on sunshine” - Katrina & The Waves

What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

“Live your life in colour”. Hold on to the things that bring you joy and happiness!

Is there anything in the pipeline you’re excited about and would like to share? Or any other work/projects you would like to raise awareness of?

I feel like I should mention the struggle I’ve had with my own identity in the disabled community. Although I still have various spinal disabilities I’ve just had an amazing surgery that could possibly take away a lot of my symptoms for a few years. 

As my symptoms have been slowly getting better, I find it hard not to feel like a bit of a fraud in the disabled community. There’s a guilty feeling you can’t help but get when you’re starting to feel better, but you know so many people around you aren’t. 

I know there must be other people in my position who aren't quite sure where they belong this time, where you have the hope of a pain free few years, but also the fear of recurring symptoms and mobility loss in the future. 

With degenerative conditions it’s almost a given that every treatment to help is temporary. It’s a difficult thing to keep positive but also prepare yourself for what difficulties the future might bring. if you’re in this position, I see you, and you’re not alone in it. 

Rosanna's story highlights how strength can be found in community. We're so happy she has chosen Cool Crutches for style and support, and thrilled to share her positive message. By challenging stigmas, Rosanna shows us all how to find joy and possibility in every situation, find more inspirational journeys below. 

Nancy Harris - Adjusting to Life with Disability, As An Amputee

Caprice Kwai - Living with Osteoarthritis & Crutches


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