Cool Crutches is all about making the lives of others easier and supporting our community. If you have a question, our inbox is always open.
For hassle-free returns or exchanges, please check out our returns page for a detailed how-to.
For press enquiries please contact
If you’re ready to place an order but have a quick query, call us on 01423 418 016 and we’ll happily assist.
We can’t thank you enough for being part of our journey — we’re grateful to be part of yours and aim to respond to all messages in 24 hours.
take our online quiz
Choosing the right walking aid can transform your daily life. Whether you’re already using a mobility aid (ours or another brand) or are considering your first one assessing your own personal needs is crucial for maintaining balance, ensuring proper posture, and managing pain effectively.
That’s why we created a quiz to guide you through choosing the right aids that promise maximum comfort and style.
meet amelia and clare
After a life-changing injury, Amelia’s determination to feel herself again led to the design of comfortable, silent and confidence-boosting walking aids. Alongside her mother Clare, the pair launched Cool Crutches, an award-winning brand that empowers recovery and supports those living with long term injuries and disabilities. Discover their inspiring story here.