Embracing His Motto Every Day: Tony Will “Never, Ever Give Up”

Tony Hudgell BEM's story is heartbreaking - as a baby, Tony was subjected to abuse from his birth parents which left him with life altering disabilities at just 41 days old. Tony (now aged 9) lives as a double amputee using Camouflage Cool Crutches to support him.  When his adopted mum, Paula Hudgell OBE originally reached out to us on Twitter many years ago to ask about children's crutches, we were instantly enamoured by her mission to help not just her adopted son, but so many more. 

After battling severe health issues and learning to walk with prosthetics and crutches, young and brave Tony and Paula have gone on to raise over £1.8 million for the Evelina Children's Hospital that saved his life.

Unbeknown to Paula, it was her message that kick started us creating our new Children's Crutches range. This year we were delighted to be able to help give Paula and Tony a pair of camouflage kids crutches as a thank you and even happier to be able to sit down to talk through their story, incredible achievements and continued dedication to helping others.

We think you will agree, Tony & Paula's story is truly remarkable, it's been a total dream to be a tiny part of it.  

In this interview, we talk with his mum, Paula, who was awarded an OBE in 2023, about Tony's story and unwavering mission to help others, plus how Cool Crutches has helped on his journey.

Can you tell us how you and Tony first met and his story of using crutches?

Tony came into our lives at 4 months old when he was released from hospital after being admitted at 41 days old with serious injuries, devastatingly inflicted by his birth parents. Tony suffered multiple fractures, sepsis, and multi organ failure which left him on life support. 

We instantly fell in love when we met Tony - he was a tiny, broken and yet beautiful little boy who we chose to adopt at 16 months. Sadly, in 2017, we had to make the heartbreaking decision to amputate Tony's legs as they never healed from the original fractures and consequent infections.

Slowly, over time Tony regained his mobility going on to learn to walk in lockdown with prosthetics and crutches.  It was during lockdown we also co founded the Tony Hudgell Foundation together. 

Tony has gone on to raise over £1.8 million for the hospital that saved his life, Evelina Children's Hospital London and continues to dedicate his life to helping others.

Earlier this year, now aged 9, Tony became the youngest ever recipient of a New Year Honour when he was awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to the prevention of child abuse.

Now, 9 years on from his injuries, Tony lives as a double leg amputee, he is deaf in his right ear, has deformities in his left hand, both his thumbs do not work properly and his hip has been left permanently dislocated too.  

How has life been for your family, have there been any particular barriers or positives you have found?

Life hasn't been easy, there are a number of challenges when navigating childhood with a disability.  Accessibility can be very challenging especially in a wheelchair. Tony prefers to walk so that he is at the same level as peers and can access everything better which was how Cool Crutches came to help him so much.  

Parenting a child with a disability can also be a struggle, it is incredibly isolating at times.  For example, when it comes to birthday parties or events we aren't always invited as parents think access will be an issue.  Not having access is heartbreaking in these instances.


Is there any advice you would give to a parent facing a life changing diagnosis or injury with their child?

Take each day as it comes but keep a positive attitude and realise anything is possible, it may just need to be tackled in a different way. 

For us it's been hard but honestly, Tony is always so cheery, even when it gets really tough for him. He stays positive as much as he can. He always says, “Never, ever give up” and that's been a huge boost for us all.

If you could change one thing to improve the lives of disabled people, what would it be?

Accessibility for all, we are getting there as a country but there is still a very long way to go. 


Do you think Cool Crutches have helped Tony to move more or walk better?

Not only have they been far more comfortable than his NHS ones, but they fit so much better and are so much more  comfortable and fun.  My only wish is that we had come across them years ago! Tony has just had a big operation so walking at the moment is not possible, but he can’t wait to get back to walking with his Cool Crutches, he genuinely really enjoys using them! 


Have Cool Crutches changed your view of mobility aids at all?

Yes definitely, the experience has reminded me of years ago when children needed glasses but the NHS ones just stood out so much. Well that’s the same with crutches — Cool Crutches are more fun, especially for people who use crutches daily, as they can be made to custom to show the person's personality or favourite theme.


If Tony could have a dream day out with anyone, doing anything, who would it be with and what would you be doing?

Leonardo DiCaprio, he loves anything to do with The Titanic movie! 

What’s the best advice you’ve been given as a parent? Has Tony received any advice he particularly loves? 

Just anything is possible and never, ever give up.

Tony's story shows the power of positivity and the right support. With his camouflage children's Cool Crutches, he stands with confidence among his peers, ready to face any challenge. We're thrilled to provide Tony with the comfort he deserves and are in awe of his remarkable attitude. Thank you, Paula, for sharing your story; you both inspire everyone on this journey.

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Looking for the best crutches for children? Explore our range here.


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