Living with Endometriosis: Symptoms, Signs & Tips

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month and to support better awareness, understanding and support we want to share as much information as possible for both signs & symptoms of endometriosis as well as navigating those challenges and tips & tricks to liver comfortably with endometriosis.
Living with endometriosis is a challenging journey, one that often involves a variety of mobility aids but with the right support and resources, it can also be a journey of resilience and empowerment. We’ve gathered some helpful insights from members of our community - Dr Liz Murray, Chloe Durrington, Josie Tang & Gabriella Pearson - who are living with endometriosis themselves. Together we hope that by sharing their experiences and tips, we can offer guidance and comfort as you navigate your own path.

What is Endometriosis and What Are the Symptoms?

Endometriosis is where cells similar to those in the lining of the womb grow in other parts of the body such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes and pelvis. Symptoms occur when patches of endometriosis break down. These symptoms include severe pain, extreme fatigue, bleeding heavily during periods and bleeding in other areas of the body including the chest, causing coughing up blood.

Sadly endometriosis is rarely diagnosed quickly meaning those that live with the condition often find themselves in debilitating pain, with limited mobility and very few things to help manage, alleviate or improve life with it.

With a large community of customers navigating endo and mobility aids, we asked them what their best tips and tricks would be to support someone experiencing it, in the hope it may help improve daily life for more women reading this.

Game-Changing Products For Managing Life With Endo

Chloe Durrington

Dr Liz Murray

  • Lucy & Yak dungarees - it sounds crazy but I found having brightly coloured and loose fitting clothes helped so much with my relationship with my body and those swollen days where I would look pregnant. Wearing bright coloured clothes and receiving compliments lifted my mood and helped me regain confidence again

  • A lavender-scented microwave wheat bag. The lavender is calming and the heat helps so so much. I have gone through so many of theses!


Gabriella Pearson

  • I second the CBD Recover Salve and Cream and Mobility Aids. Both are products I rely on when I'm having a flare-up, and Pure Spectrum and Cool Crutches are the brands I have found work best for me too. My Leopard Walking Stick is the comfiest aid I've had - and for me, comfort is key!

  • I also couldn't live without my BeYou Pain Patches. You can wear them anywhere, they are super lightweight and discreet. They are an alternative to a hot water bottle or heat pad if you are out and about and don't want something so bulky.

Josie Tang

  • An acupuncture mat to lay on can help ground your mind and body. I find it not only helps with my back pain but my mental health when the weight of the illness gets overwhelming.
  • A heated blanket is a source of joy and relief. Wrapping it around the body allows the heat to target pain spots like the abdomen, pelvis, thighs, and lower back. P.S pick a fun coloured one so it lifts your mood when you’re using it!


Best Life Hacks for Living with Endometriosis


Gabriella Pearson

  • Trust your gut!
    Advocating for yourself and your health is always valid and warranted. You only get one health and one body, so you have to do what you need to do to ensure you get the right care, support and treatment. Sometimes we are labelled difficult, overemotional, dramatic or aggressive when all we are doing is trying to get a better quality of life.
  • Have multiple flare up kits, so you are never without your go to products/items when you are flaring or in pain.
  • Make sure if you have anything planned which requires any travel, energy or spoons, to block out some rest time before and after. Your body will thank you for it later! 

Dr Liz Murray

  • Your diagnosis will feel devastating and bring about so many questions of fear and anxiety. If you have a partner make sure he/she is also educated so that they know how best to support you, This is a marathon not a sprint. There will be good days, challenging days but you need to be a team to get through it together.
  • Do your research from reliable sources. There is so so much misinformation on social media. Social media can be a wonderful place for community support, but be careful not to fall too far down the rabbit holes. Figure out what your goals are; is is symptom control or is it fertility preservation. This has a big influence on your treatment options.
  • Avoid oestrogen rich foods (soy as well) and dairy. There are a lot of inflammatory-triggering foods and some very useful diet and nutritional studies which have been proven to help not just the symptoms but the disease progression itself. Similarly sugar levels can have a major role in the disease and your hormones. With something like end you want to look at an holistic approach as everything has a role.


Chloe Durrington

  • Don't overexert yourself with big tasks that can lead to burnout. Instead, focus on smaller, more manageable tasks that fit your current energy levels.

  • Prioritise rest WITHOUT guilt. It's essential to listen to your body and allow it to recharge. Taking breaks is not laziness; it's a necessary part of managing your health.

  • Do small things for yourself as often as you can. Whether it’s skincare, something creative, cooking a nice meal, low intensity exercise - just taking that time to remember who you are outside of your diagnosis is imperative.

  • I switched to an anti-inflammatory diet and the results have been HUGE - it worked so well for me. Make sure you speak with a medical professional before you give it a go as everyone is different. If you do decide it's safe to go ahead, I recommend Sophie Richards AIP Guide and Recipe Books - I couldn't have done it without her!


How To Stay Strong and Positive


Josie Tang

  • Reach out to the chronic pain and endometriosis community. Sharing stories and experiences with others who understand can validate your pain as well as strengthen your mind to keep looking forward.

  • Never forget how strong you are! Living with endo is a constant battle and you win that fight every day (even if it doesn’t always feel like it)


Dr Liz Murray

  • It is so important to not let the diagnosis become your identity. Being part of social media can be helpful in communal support, but it can also keep you in a cycle of hyper-focus which can in turn be unhealthy.

  • Having time to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with nature and your immediate surroundings is so important. If it is a good day symptoms wise - embrace it and make the most of it. On difficult days - plan what you will do on your next good day to remind yourself 'this too shall pass'.



Chloe Durrington

  • Focus on the small joys in each day rather than dwelling on the bigger things you can no longer do.

  • Remember better days will come - this will help you survive the tough days and flare-ups.


Gabriella Pearson

  • Spending time with loved ones is so important. For me, my husband, my dogs & my friends really help me feel calm & safe.

  • I also find advocating through my platforms is a huge solace & really therapeutic for me. Sharing my journey & trying to create change really gives me a sense of happiness & purpose which is why myself and my best friend Anna built the charity Menstrual Health Project.


We hope these insights and tips from Dr Liz Murray, Chloe Durrington, Gabriella Pearson and Josie Tang bring you comfort and practical strategies for living with endometriosis. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and together we are stronger. Do check out these amazing ladies Instagram pages for more insight and helpful content on living life with endometriosis as well as Dr Liz's charity Mortal and Strong and Gabriella's charity Menstrual Health Project.


If you'd like to read some interviews with incredible women living with endometriosis, we recommend these: 

Navigating University with Resilience: Jo's Journey as a Disabled Uni Student

Hannah Alderson: What, why and how to eat if you live with reduced mobility

shop the collection

Leopard Walking Stick

£94.99 GBP inc. VAT
£79.16 exc. VAT

Black Glitter Walking Stick

£119.99 GBP inc. VAT
£99.99 exc. VAT

Purple Reign Walking Stick

£94.99 GBP inc. VAT
£79.16 exc. VAT

Emerald Sky Walking Stick

£94.99 GBP inc. VAT
£79.16 exc. VAT
Comfortable Crutches

Comfortable Crutches

Reliable Walking Sticks

Reliable Walking Sticks

Ergonomic Accessories

Ergonomic Accessories

Design your own walking aids
