Navigating Motherhood with a Disability - Megan's Story

In 2021, Megan was diagnosed with a number of conditions that impact her daily life, acquiring a disability as a mother of two young children has not been straightforward.  In this interview Megan shares her story, best advice and hopes for the future to support those in a similar situation.

Can you tell us a little bit about you and your story with Cool Crutches?

I'm from a small seaside town in Suffolk, on the most easterly point in Britain.  I became disabled in 2021 and have what many people call the trifecta HEDs, POTs and MCAS along with epilepsy, dystonia and a few others.  My symptoms are a mixture of neurological and physical but in all honesty, the mental load of living with a disability is also significant and tough.

Everything about my chronic illnesses affect my daily life in different ways, from daily tasks such as getting dressed but also spending alone time with my children.

I've been using Cool Crutches for about 18 months (I use their Emerald Sky), I use a combination of mobility aids depending on my symptoms as they vary from day to day.  I could honestly cry thinking about what my life would have been without Cool Crutches, the owner Amelia has been absolutely fabulous.  I love my walking sticks but nothing supports me and my body more whilst I'm out of my wheelchair than my Cool Crutches, I can say hand on heart my life really wouldn't be the same if I didn't have them and the bonus of them being beautiful enough to get people walking about my mobility aids, always puts such a smile on my face!

Being a mum and managing a disability is not straightforward - how do you manage the juggle? Are there any things you've found that have helped?

It can be so hard to find a balance between helping your babes and helping yourself and your health.  I am lucky I have a village I can lean on as I know so many don't but the thing I've found most helpful is to be as open as possible (depending on their age) about what you're diagnosed with and how you're feeling.  Children can be so empathetic and this really feeds into that, it helps show them that other people feel strong feelings to and disabilities exist.  I firmly believe we aren't born ignorant, it's something that's taught so the more beautiful young minds learn when they're young, the better!  If all else fails there are always movie days and forts haha!

How do you feel about disability when it comes to society, are there any things in particular which could make things better for the disabled community?

I think we still have a LONG way to go when it comes to society knowing how to cope with the reality, when it comes to accessibility for sure but also disability as a whole.  The only way to improve this is for us to be open about our needs and to be HEARD.  Many brands and places are showing that disabled people and their needs are important but I think until we are taken seriously by the government, that there is proper help and support.  Until then, parts of society will always have backward views.

What advice would you give to someone facing a life changing diagnosis or injury?

The best way to navigate your new life and accept it is by seeking like minded people who are trying to do the same!

Have Cool Crutches changed your view of mobility aids at all?

YES! Mostly due to their social media and all the many fabulous people I know who use them both online and in person.  They've really helped me realise I shouldn't be ashamed of using them, I should feel empowered.

What would be the theme tune to your life?

The Beatles - Let It Be

What's the best advice you've been given?

Don't be afraid to accept help from others because (bonus one) you are not a burden.  Wanting to be independent doesn't mean you have to avoid any kind of assistance when you NEED it.  Most able bodied people are willing to accept help when they need it the most, the rules shouldn't be different because you have a disability.

Is there anything in the pipeline you're excited about and would like to share?

I've just taken part in Epilepsy Society's 79 Squats a Day Challenge, so every single day in July I did 79 (disabled friendly) squats to raise money so that the 79 people diagnosed with epilepsy every day can receive the incredible support the Epilepsy Society provide.

Also, I have just got engaged!!  So I'm VERY excited to say I will be planning a wedding with some new crutches too!

A huge thank you to Megan for sharing her story with us, you can follow Megan on Instagram @mindlesslymegan

All photographs featured were taken by Tanya Mayfield who is also a disabled business owner -

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shop the collection

Emerald Sky Crutches

£189.99 inc. VAT
£158.33 exc. VAT
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Comfortable Crutches

Reliable Walking Sticks

Reliable Walking Sticks

Ergonomic Accessories

Ergonomic Accessories

Design your own walking aids
